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Networking, sharing ideas, having fun, and keeping up to date on HR topics are vital to the success of organizations, employees, and HR practitioners. If you are a practitioner in the field of human resources, or a student working toward completion of a degree program in the HR field, we invite you to join us and discover the benefits and rewards of membership in NHRA!

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Joining NHRA provides the opportunity to create relationships and network with other HR professionals, which stimulates professional growth and enhances workplace contributions. By attending meetings, workshops, and conferences, receiving NHRA communications, and developing relationships with colleagues, you will be continually updated on HR issues that add value both personally and professionally.  Here are some of the benefits NHRA members receive:
  • DEVELOPMENT: Educational programming featuring guest speakers on various human resource topics.
  • PROFESSIONAL CONNECTIONS: Ability to network and interact with peers and colleagues from area companies who may have encountered and successfully managed a problem you are wrestling with today! 
  • HR CAREER & NETWORK ACCESS: Access to HR job postings and the membership directory for members’ names, telephone numbers, and email address.
  • CERTIFICATION: Assistance with certification programs for human resources run through the Human Resource Certification Institute and the Society for Human Resource Management.
  • NORTHLAND HR UPDATES: Access to timely, informative content on this Website for networking and problem solving. Ability to learn about area companies and their products and services.

NHRA is affiliated with and a Merit Award Chapter recipient of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the largest human resource organization in the world.

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